Why are we conditioned to work for money

Paula Day
3 min readAug 31, 2017


Why is it that we are conditioned to work hard, get good grades, get a good job and spend the most of our life working for money. The worst of it is that when we get a taste of this working for money we want more money to buy more toys, have nice holidays and a fancy house. To do this we think the answer is to work harder in our job, or try for a higher paying job. So we spend hours with our work family rather than with our loved ones, doing something that may not even fulfill us, hanging for the weekend when we might get a break. Some of us even fill that with working longer hours or a second job to pay the bills. The truth is this only satisfies your short term needs, and you have to continue going back week after week working hard for the extra money. When you think about it you problem have spent hours trying to solve a problem for you manager, I know personally I have spent hours learning new skills, solving problems and really exchanging more of my time for money.

This concept is drilled into our being that any suggestions of doing something to the contrary seems scary as it brings up fears of:

‘What if I fail?’

‘I only know how to get a job and be a good employee?’

‘What does that other way even look like?’

If all you friends and family have worked in jobs all their lives they will comment and load their fears on you too, not because they are trying to bring you down, although it may feel that way, but they are trying to protect you and this is what they have been taught and know.

This learned behavior is to fear money, to work for money and the better the job you get the more money you will get. The problem with this is what happens when you want more, your having to climb to the top of your profession and exchange more time for money and their is often a limit to your making capacity, because someone else is paying you. Their is also a stigma to those who want more money, they have negative connotations attached too them and are labelled greedy and money hungry I think this is even more so for women.

What if you wanted more money to have more time with your family? or if you wanted more money to be able to give more to charity, or to help your community or to support your parents in retirement. Having more money means more to give, think about all the jobs you can create for others, having more, circulating more in a conscious way in the world creates jobs for others, helps support other families and helps you give more to the world.

I do not think there is one answer to solve this, all I know is that I am shifting my thinking that money needs to work for me, not an easy thing to do but I am definitely on this journey.

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